“Amor Caduco: Love, Aging, and Women Writers in the Spanish Enlightenment”
“Amor Caduco: Love, Aging, and Women Writers in the Spanish Enlightenment.” Miríada hispánica. Monográfico en homenaje al profesor David Thatcher Gies. Edited …
“Amor Caduco: Love, Aging, and Women Writers in the Spanish Enlightenment.” Miríada hispánica. Monográfico en homenaje al profesor David Thatcher Gies. Edited …
“Practicing social activism: the spaces of women’s charity,” in Society Ladies and Philanthropy during the Spanish Enlightenment: La Junta de Damas de …
“Meditando la noche desde la perspectiva de género: María Gertrudis Hore y Night Thoughts de Edward Young.” Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo …
Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment. Edited by Mónica Bolufer, CatherineJaffe, and Elizabeth Franklin Lewis. Routledge, 2020. The Routledge Companion to the …
“Economía Doméstica: caridad y trabajo femenino en el discurso reformista de las mujeres ilustradas.” Ayer 78.2 (2010): 93-115.
“Hispano-Irish Women Writers of Spain’s Late Enlightenment Period.” Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies. Ed. Javier Munoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale, and Manuel Delgado. Abingdon, …
“Mapping Don Quixote’s Route: Spanish Cartography, EnglishTravelers and National Pride.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture. Volume 46 (2017): 35-48.